A Category Two Education Provider

Educational Performance
The Naturopathic College of New Zealand is rated a Category Two education provider by the New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA)
About the rating:
NZQA assigns independent assessors to conduct an audit – entitled External Evaluation and Review (EER) – on all non-university tertiary education organisations (TEOs) every four years
The review process provides NZQA with a judgement on the educational performance and, capability in self-assessment of each TEO.
This EER report (published 14 August 2017) concluded that NZQA were
- Confident in NCNZ educational performance
- Highly Confident in NCNZ capability in self-assessment
Key commentary from the EER report:
- The purpose and direction of the organisation is clear and future focused, with clear expectations and collaborative strategic planning with stakeholders and staff.
- There is consistently strong engagement with local and national stakeholders by all levels of the organisation that lead to a wide representation of local and industry expectations being met.
- NCNZ has high rates of success for graduates moving into jobs or study relevant to their learning
- NCNZ provides positive learning pathways, and the organisation fosters effective learning environments.
- Learners acquire valuable skills and knowledge and develop cognitive and self-management capabilities.
- Resources are suitable and effective for teaching and learning, and the organisation provides opportunities for learners to apply knowledge and skills in a variety of contexts such as a simulated work environment. As a result, learners become familiar with the preparation and use of resources in a safe and controlled environment.
- Assessment processes are fair and effective in improving teaching and learning practice for both staff and learners.
- Staff are qualified, experienced and valued by the organisation, and supported to further develop and grow in knowledge and expertise.
- The online blended delivery responds effectively to learners’ needs, such as ensuring access to regular communication and information.